Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Feedback on Storytelling Projects!

My storytelling was on BINGO, I would use the song in class to help students with their spelling and also having fun singing and coming up with new dog names.

Nicole Mahas: Cute Informational story. I loved the pictures she used. And it shows that informational stories can be lots of fun.

Lily Bueno: She showed a lot of examples of what children can do around the house to help. They can relate to the story. Really cute story.

Ashley Howden: I loved her story, it would be a great way to introduce books. Or maybe the students could make  a movie about a book they have read.

Brittany: This was a creative way to talk about the alphabet. Good to help kids think of a lot of different words in the alphabet.

Carmen: Very cute story. This would be a great idea to help kids learn about money.

Kristen: Good idea for children to tell their family story or a story about some else in their families, like grandpa for example.

B-I-N-G-O My Digital Storytelling Project

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Week 4 - Intelligence

Lily Bueno and I read and discussed this week’s questions. We talked a lot about Emotional Intelligence and how it is so important. Four ways we would promote emotional intelligence are: provide peer interaction opportunities; create opportunities to talk about positive and negative feelings; help students recognize emotions others are feeling; class meetings .As for the intelligence theories, we could not agree which one would be more useful to us as a teacher; because we think both can be used positively in a classroom. In a classroom with over 20 children, we will have children that learn differently, ones will learn as they interact their abilities in activities (Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligence). And others will learn, as the Sternberg’s Theory of Successful Intelligence suggests, according to the goals they have established. We discussed about the IQ test and decided that there is not much use in it. We think that a child can accomplish anything she wants whether she gets a high or low score. A child’s intelligence should not be determined by a single test score.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Week 2: Web 2.0

This was a long week in IP&T 287 , but at the same time so fun. I loved all the things I learned. I am starting to realize that things are not so hard as we think they are. We can really do this. the first thing I created was the wiki website:

I think the website I was able to learn the most was the wiki. I thought it was so useful to learn hoe to embed things into a website and to make your own iframe, in a case that embedding might not be available or might not work, it is always helpful to have a second option. I loved wiki. It is a great tool I can use to organize my lessons in a interesting and in a more fun way for students. I think wiki can make teachers lives so easy when preparing a lesson, you can just go to that website and everything will be in one place, things you have prepared. It's simple and it opens up ways to make teaching life easier. And here is a screenshot of my friend and I talking about the wiki website.

Goodreads is a great chance to get good idea of books and to start good discussions about books. I even found a friend from Brazil. And added a book to my book list: Ira Sleeps Over. And gave my comment on why it is a good book.

Diigo is a great website to organize the websites you go to the most, and it also gives you a chance to get good ideas from other people of great website we may have never heard of before.

I loved google reader because it is another great way you have to organize the things you always read. To have it all in one place can be very helpful.

Even though this week took me a lot of time to complete everything, it was worth it because i learned some great things, specially on wiki. I didn't think of anything as difficult, but the part I took longest to do was embedding a video on a wiki page, which wouldn't work so I did the iframe thing and it was great. 

So that was week two!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Week 2 Assessmet

This week Lily Bueno and I discussed the reading questions. We talked about how it is a great idea to combine the six ways student demonstrate their knowledge: Remember, understand, apply, analyze, evaluate, create, using these six levels, teachers can develop learning goals for their students. During our discussion we thought of how effective it is to design a test that is both valid and reliable. This way students will be graded fairly and accurately. Thinking of an example of a product performance we came up with the example of a student learning a new piano piece and presenting it to the teacher at the end. For process performance the student would learn the piano piece along with his teacher, helping him through the process, while for product performance, the student would have to learn the same piano piece totally by him/herself, and present it to the teacher at the end. We talked about the three different ways to evaluate performance, which are: presentation, portfolio, projects.While reading about assessment bias, we came to the conclusion that this is more important than we think it is. Remembering what we have learned about assessment bias during child development class, we all know how this problem really happens, more often than we can image. The teacher wouldn't be fair grading his students and he would only look at results as he wanted to.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Why I love Education

I love education for so many reasons, but one of them is because it's a chance I am given to serve others in a way they definitely need and that can be of great impact in their lives. I love children and believe they are a blessing in our lives. Knowing that I can teach them great things and make a difference in their lives, makes me extremely happy.